Art portfolio preparation course


I’m Julie Read and I am an expert in portfolio preparation for art college and for all post school art and design courses.


In the past 12 years, I’ve worked as a private art tutor. 117 students have gained 244 places for art and design courses at 69 institutions around the UK and abroad.


Competition is fierce. For example, at Edinburgh College of Art, there are in the region of 6000 applicants. This is for approximately 280 places (1:22).



You need to learn to think creatively. Then prepare your portfolio in the best way possible so that you don’t miss out. Introducing my portfolio preparation course.

Strong Portfolio Unique Styles

Most students spend ages trawling through the art college and university websites for information. But they still can’t figure out what’s being asked for in their portfolio submission.


The good news is that my intensive portfolio preparation for art college course can get you on track, fast. It’s not cheap but nowhere near the huge fees, you might find yourself paying once at University.

Design Portfolio Practising Professionals


Invest in PLAN CREATE SUCCEED because it is THE most comprehensive portfolio preparation for art college course that you’ll find.


It is unique in its approach and model – with me there to help and support you with my world-class guidance….. combining:

Personal Project Portfolio Development
  1. do it yourself (study in your own time, the 41 video tutorials will lead you through 5 projects to build your folio)
  2. done with you – there are 5 tutorials in person or by Zoom (and recorded) to keep you on track at critical parts in your learning
  3. done for you – I undertake the task of compiling your work into your digital portfolios for up to 5 colleges – with your opinions at the core


By getting started NOW then you can ditch the stress that comes with trying to do this alongside your final year school exams.


I invite you to take action today and book a call to discuss your options.

mentoring and private art lessons
MA Courses Design Skills

portfolio preparation course (over 10 or 20 weeks)

Portfolio preparation for Art College


My portfolio preparation for art college course is for YOU if you’re committed to dedicating your time to a serious plan to get into an Undergraduate or Postgraduate art or design course in the UK. You must have the required eligibility from your dream colleges but just lacking that important portfolio.



I’ll be holding your hand (and kicking your ass when necessary!) every step of the way to ensure that failure is absolutely not an option.


tick 20-week portfolio preparation for art college course – start any time of the year – (fast track in 10 weeks available) – registering NOW

Foundation Diploma Arts London

tick video tutorials throughout the course so you can study anywhere in the world at a time, pace and place for your own convenience and flexibility


tick 10 hours a week commitment minimum (for fast track 20 hours per week) – how you do this is up to you but that’s 2 hours a day at least to enable the full effect of the course content to be exploited.


tick 5 x 1 hour long critiques of your work by me, Julie Read via Zoom (or in-person if you’re within distance of Edinburgh) giving feedback to ensure it’s working – coaching gives you accountability, a structure and a plan for the end result.

International students

tick UCAS personal statement guidance and review.


tick 5 compelling projects that will develop your creativity and encourage risk-taking, experimentation, and individuality. The projects cover ideas around social issues/current affairs, personal story/identity, environment, process, and a self-led project nearer the end.


The course covers 4 ways to start a project taking you through all aspects of the creative process. The Colleges want to see something that is your view of the world, not the same old school led projects.


tick You will learn how to reflect on, analyse and evaluate your work. This fulfils the requirement from the Colleges for a student to possess strong critical judgement skills.


tick Your work will develop in relation to other artists and designers (context). The College’s assess your portfolio on context and you’ll need to demonstrate you are aware of other relevant CONTEMPORARY artists/designers.


tick You’ll learn how to take good photos of your work. It is ESSENTIAL that your work is represented well for your digital portfolio submissions.


tick Interview guidance and advice – you may be asked to take part in an online interview and how you come across in interview can make or break your application. You need to be able to talk about your work with confidence and our Zoom tutorials assist with this.


tick I will compile your digital portfolio for a maximum of 5 UK colleges/universities, with your opinions at the core. I don’t just let you go then, as this time can be crucial and you can get it horrendously wrong just putting the final touches together

Fine Art Mixed Media

tick Exclusive access to my video presentation “Drawing – keeping it current” that was commissioned for The Art of Education. This will challenge your views on drawing and how you can embed it in your creative practice to produce that knockout portfolio

Expert Art Portfolio Preparation Course
mentoring and private art lessons