Folio reviews - digital portfolio service

Art portfolio advice

It can be quite difficult to get some perspective and clarity to bring it all together for submission.


However, getting a fresh pair of eyes on your work can really consolidate your application.


Whether you’re struggling to edit or organize your work. Maybe you just want a second opinion on your work? Then these art portfolio advice sessions will get you off on the right foot for this year!



– 2-hour session to review and select work for in person interview/folio drop – details below.



– 2-hour session to review and select work for your digital portfolio, for you to compile – details below.



– I usually take a full-day session to review, select, and actually compile work. This is to ensure that your digital portfolio is ready to go and upload.


Please contact me on the BOOK A CALL in November if possible (early December at the latest) to book your portfolio review. It is a very busy time and being organized is essential. For other College deadlines please contact me as soon as possible.

If you’ve applied to any University of College that requires you to show your ACTUAL PORTFOLIO then this is for you.


The deadlines for all courses vary, from January through to April – do your research to get it right.


These are practical 2 hours, hands-on, art college application sessions to review your work. These portfolio reviews are also essential prior to the interview, to select and present your work at its best.


Sessions are designed to select pieces from your folio demonstrating a clear transition through the creative process. You can see how it’s crucial to get it right.


Whilst I look at your work, you’ll also be talking about it. This will give you the skills and confidence to ensure that you represent yourself to your best ability at an interview if invited. I’ll identify the strengths and weaknesses of your folio. Therefore you’ll learn how to talk about it ALL positively at interview.


Whether you’re struggling to edit or organize your work, or maybe you just want a second opinion on your work then this session will get you off on the right foot!

mentoring and private art lessons

Most Universities and Colleges, since Covid restrictions have brought digital portfolios into the mainstream.


The deadline for most (not all) DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS will be early to mid Feb. This depends on when you apply if you’re applying to the UK outside of Scotland.


Having the skills and time to create your digital portfolio from your art school portfolio can be challenging.


Many of the colleges require your work to be submitted in differing formats. This includes file sizes, categories and quantities of pieces.

I can relieve the burden of your art school portfolio.


  • I review the content of your actual portfolio and advise for inclusion in your digital portfolio – this is a 2 hour session prior to a full day together (if you’re close by to attend in person or it can be done remotely).


  • I scan and/or photograph your work (again, if you’re not close enough to drop off your work you can do this yourself and send the photos to me electronically).


  • We spend a day together where we compile your digital portfolio for you.


  • I have a bronze, silver and gold service depending on how much support you require and how many applications you are making.