Making your own drawing charcoal

Making your own drawing charcoal

We had a fabulous day last week in the beautiful autumn sun, in the woods MAKING OUR OWN DRAWING CHARCOAL can you believe! Why don’t you have a go too? Making your own drawing charcoal

Create drawing charcoal

Full details in the video – stay to the end, it’s awesome!!

Then DOWNLOAD our half-price eBook on drawing, to see how to get the most from your working with charcoal!

Make your own drawing charcoal – a great lesson covering all four capacities of the Curriculum for Excellence:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors

Covering expressive arts (back in the classroom using the charcoal), Health and Wellbeing, Sciences, and Numeracy.


  1. Alder branches (try other trees, Willow, of course, we also used Beech)
  2. Secateurs
  3. Potato peeler/knife
  4. Syrup tin or similar with a large hole in the lid
  5. Nail or screw to plug the hole
  6. Fire
  7. Optional extras – croissants, coffee …….

Then DOWNLOAD our half-price eBook on drawing, to see how to get the most from your working with charcoal!

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