Textile Design Glasgow School of Art

Glasgow School of Art Textile Design

Textile Design Glasgow School of Art

Scroll down for the video. Below is also the full *Transcript* 

Glasgow School of Art Textile Design

Before I discovered Portfolio Oomph I really struggled with trying to discover what portfolio like a portfolio was asking of me.

I needed to make a portfolio but I didn’t exactly know what I was supposed to put in it or what the university was looking for.

And Julie really helped me discover what was necessary and your typical portfolio I thought ‘oh, my best work, I’ll put in what I think is the best’.

But Julie helped show me what the university [Glasgow School of Art Textile Design] wanted to see and it’s not really about necessarily your opinion of what’s best and it really opened up my eyes to different language that universities use and I that I didn’t understand before.

So I decided to contact Julie because I knew that she had a very good success rate and a very good way with working with students. I’d seen some of her previous work and I looked up previous jobs she’s been in and I just saw that there’s a lot of experience there.

So I trusted that Julie would help me out, which she did. She took me through every step I needed to go through and even at times I was confused and I was like ‘why am I doing this part?’ and then by the end it all came together.

And I’m just so glad that I did come to Julie and I’m so glad that I decided to take that leap of ‘I’m gonna work with her’ and even though I, yeah, it was great I’m so happy I did.

Working with Julie was really easy for me as she would be very flexible and she would, her work that we did together was adapted around my specific situation and she incorporated the work we did together into the work I was already doing at my foundation year. So it really made the load a lot lighter and still really effective.

Glasgow School of Art Textile Design

I’ve received a place at the Glasgow School of Art Textile Design now and I’m on my way. I’m very excited for it because there’s so many new opportunities that I’m going to get to see. I’m gonna try new techniques and I’m just really excited to branch out into this new area.

I discovered when I had my offer holder day [at Glasgow School of Art Textile Design] that your portfolio needs to show that you’re willing to try new things and I didn’t know that before and it really was just a eye opener that I was like: ‘Wow, this is all been put together so well’ and it was really sort of everything’s coming together sort of thing and my mind was like ‘wow!’ and I really learn and I feel more confident for in the future if I need to make a portfolio I’ll definitely refer back to sort of what I saw little things that Julie would take notice of and I be like ‘that’s why she did that’.

I also learned to come out of my comfort zone a lot more because there was tasks that initially really freaked me out and I didn’t wanna go outside and I didn’t want to sit there in public drawing something that was completely random.

I’ve learnt how important it is to also be in your space that you’re drawing, because it totally impacts your work. And actually I didn’t I hated it back then but now I’m drawing outside all the time and I’ll do it whenever I’ve got the opportunity.

Ursi studied for success on my PLAN CREATE SUCCEED portfolio preparation course.

portfolio preparation course

Glasgow School of Art Textile Design

If anyone is thinking about working with Julie I would say ‘do it’. I’d say ‘do it’ because I think the personalised input you get from her and the support and the expertise and knowledge that she has is just so worth it.

It’s very worth working with her because she will help you and she will really care about your work and she really puts you first and she will listen to what you want to do and she will do her best to try and help you make that happen and I think that’s the best type of person you could work with.

I think my creativity, the way I view art and other people’s art my own art is completely changed since I started working with Julie. I don’t place so much value on some things that I would get really bogged down on whether a particular object looked exactly how I wanted it to and it just, I’m less precious about things and it’s more about the ideas in the work and obviously technical ability’s great but I don’t beat myself up if one day I don’t achieve something that I had in my head.

I used to get really bogged down in photorealism in my drawings and paintings and it would mean lots of my time was spent doing one thing and I would get really stressed over it and it just wasn’t worth it and after I realised but that’s not all that’s about art and I’ve learnt that I don’t have to be a total perfectionist and it’s quite a waste of time after a while.

And it’s more fun to just explore and I’ve learnt a lot about myself doing that. [Glasgow School of Art Textile Design]

And it’s great that it now doesn’t just apply to art for me. I now can apply that to the all areas of my life where I don’t have to be so focused on hung up on really tiny details and I can just enjoy wherever my creativity takes me and just enjoy whatever I’ve I’m being taken down and it really loosens me up and I love it.

I know that I’ve learnt so much about myself and situations in life that I’m just like… I’m not gonna like I’ve just I just handle situations so much differently, if some things don’t go right or perfect I’m like ‘Okay well let’s try it this way’ you know.

So much better for like how you how you live in life because not everything’s so certain and it’s really good to just enjoy life and just appreciate the uncertainty of life and you just … ’cause that’s what I love about art and then I’m like ‘oh it’s the same for the rest of my life’.

I’m working for an artist now. I’m selling her artwork at the West End Fair and I had my first shift yesterday and I was so nervous but anytime that something just came up I would just deal with it and I was really… I don’t know my confidence is shot up right to the roof that’s crazy.

Oh it’s so great to know that what you’re doing is worth investing time into it’s great.

I like, I always knew I’d liked art but then I was open to a new world and I was like ‘oh wow this is awesome’.

Julie Read

This article was written by Julie Read, a leading educator in the Creative Industries, as featured in The Guardian newspaper, on a mission to create a legacy to ‘unlock your creative genius’.

My passion and mission is your art portfolio, to help to get you that place at college or university.

CLARITY, in particular around the creative process, sketchbooks, and what the Colleges actually want to see are the founding principles.

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