Creating your digital portfolio

Creating your digital portfolio

Get on with your art college

We are thrilled to be able to guide you through creating your digital portfolio for university with our eBook with a bonus video tutorial, that takes you to step by step through the process of creating your art college mini portfolio. Not all students will be needing this as not all colleges require a digital portfolio. However, if you are applying to Edinburgh College of Art, Glasgow School of Art, Manchester University, Newcastle University, Goldsmiths, UWE, and others please read on.

Here is an excerpt from the eBook, you can preview and buy the book now for £19.99

We also have a couple of pages here and a screengrab of our bonus video on Vimeo…….

However, just to make life interesting they all need their digital/mini portfolios in different formats. So if you’re applying to a number of courses that require this element you will need to prepare something different for each.

Manchester is probably the easiest to compile as it can be a link to a blog using Blogger or similar. Glasgow and Edinburgh both have very specific details about how many pieces, what size they should be (in dpi), and file types. Other Colleges have other processes – please find out what they are well before you need to submit. Once you have made your UCAS application you then need to log into their website with your UCAS details and upload images this way.

If you are not really knowledgeable about digital images and editing them then this can be quite daunting and you don’t want to spoil your chances of success by uploading images that don’t comply with their specifications as they may not look at your application.

So, serious stuff and that’s why we’ve made this eBook as we have experience with many students putting together successful digital/mini portfolios.

Get on with your art college Mini portfolio

To make life even more exciting they all have differing deadlines for the uploading of this part of your application. So please, get to grips with it now so you’ve time to get it right!

When we work with students that we mentor and they are applying to the colleges/universities that require a digital portfolio this is what we talk about as being the first hurdle. There is no point in planning what you’re going to say/show at your interview if you don’t get through this first round in the selection process. So this digital portfolio really has to WOW them and it should be a priority until you hear back if you’re through this round.

The digital portfolios are submitted quite soon after Xmas, please check the exact dates with your chosen course – some are as specific as stating a time on the day of the deadline. Mid-January is common.

Don’t leave it to the last minute, you need to allow time for your own technical issues but also that the site you’re uploading to might be busy, down, or other unforeseeable problems. Hopefully, there won’t be any problems but don’t leave uploading your images to the night before the deadline.

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