03 Nov Advanced higher art and design
Advanced Higher Art and Design or A Level is the qualification that many of the students that I work on my portfolio preparation course with are currently studying.
So many have previously studied Higher Art and Design which is the entrance level here in Scotland for University art and design courses.
And many students are aware that the work they are doing MAY not be what they’re seeing at Uni Open Days or in the Uni online literature in the way of examples of successful portfolios.
There is the problem that you may be facing.
How am I going to get into the Uni of my dreams with the work that I’m producing at Advanced Higher Art or A Level Art?
If you’re feeling this then I’m here to give you a few pointers as to what you can be doing to boost your portfolio.
Firstly…..download my free report below.

In my report you’ll discover that probably a lot of what you’re doing is in this list of ‘mistakes’!
Don’t worry, it’s common and I think I did all or most of these too, lol.
That’s why I didn’t get any offers in my first year of applying.
And the main thing that I find is lacking in students’ current portfolios is ideas. It was with mine.
Or they have ideas that have been done again and again. They are often seen to be ‘successful’ in getting A grades at school exams, are very much driven by good technical skills.
But in terms of ideas and showing WHO you really are, how you tick and what really inspires you, they’re very mediocre and predictable.
So what can you be doing to make your portfolio more YOU?
My first questions to students are from a creativity challenge that I run from time to time….please watch of the video below to get some ideas.
I find that these questions provoke responses that has some passion behind them (incidentally what was lacking in my portfolio!)
Then mixing in a good dose of fearless experimentation, contemporary artist and designer influence and frequent reflection brings some really exciting ideas to fruition.
If you’d like more guidance on this aspect of your portfolio then do please get in touch.
You can study this alongside your school work to really boost your portfolio for art college/Uni application.
My portfolio preparation course guides you more through this whole process in a number of projects.
advanced higher art and design exhibition from 2014, tramway, Glasgow.

This article was written by Julie Read, a leading educator in the Creative Industries, as featured in The Guardian newspaper, on a mission to create a legacy to ‘unlock your creative genius’.
My passion and mission is your art portfolio, to help to get you that place at college or university.
CLARITY, in particular around the creative process, sketchbooks, and what the Colleges actually want to see are the founding principles.
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